
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Clean Eating: Breakfast, Snack, Snack

Apparently I'm a snack person. I think because I like so many things and I can never decide the one thing I want so I want to eat all the things. And snacks let me do that. As with my post on juicing, where I talked about introducing healthier things into my diet but not really 'dieting', I am here again to start talking about phase two of this 'not - a - diet - diet'. 

Let me tell you this story that will probably make you want to hate 20 year old me. Heck, I hate 20 year old me because of this. When I was 18 and started college I lost the freshman fifteen. When I was 19, 20 even 21 I could eat whatever I wanted. When I would start to notice that my skinny jeans weren't buttoning I would go to the gym. I would workout for about 2 weeks just doing about 30 minutes on the elliptical. Two weeks later I could slide right back in to my skinny jeans and I had a 6-pack that was Jillian Michaels' approved. I would eat and repeat about every 3 months or so. Yes, I only went to the gym 4 times a year. Worked like a charm. And then I turned 23.

Like a switch, my body changed. After I gained back the weight I lost stressing about my wedding I kept gaining. So I went to the gym and did the elliptical. Nothing changed. I added in some crunches. Nothing changed. So I finally had to start looking at what I was eating and what other workouts I could be doing. Since I already covered giving up most meats in this post, I will share where I am with all that now. I have started introducing Turkey and Chicken, but only at home. I will only buy hormone - free meats from local farmers. I buy it all fresh and freeze it on my own. I will not eat meat outside of our home cooked meats for various reasons. Outside of introducing those meats I have kept a very close eye on my portions. I've got my husband to mostly stop going back for seconds if I give him a little extra initially. But just because his plate has extra doesn't mean mine has to. Every single person burns calories differently. 

So all of that being said I have started following a couple of whole food/clean eating instagramers (@cinsarah and @eating_whole). They post amazing recipes and progress shots and general motivation. I have stocked up on groceries for the coming week and this Sunday I will meal prep for the entire week. Now, like Lauren from @eating_whole I know generally what we will probably eat for the week, but since I'm such as "what am I in the mood for?" type of meal maker then I only prep things that I can add to any recipe, not the actual meals themselves. I will probably write up a separate post for all that business. 

And now, if you've made it through all that nonsense above then you get some recipes! This is what I had for breakfast today: 

Open Faced Breakfast Pita

1 small pita round toasted
1 slice of Dill Havarti Cheese melted
6 Cherry Tomatoes sliced
5 Slices of Mushrooms
6 Arugula Leaves
2 Stripes of Veggie Bacon
1 Poached Egg
Red Pepper Flakes to taste
Coconut Oil 
White Vinegar

Microwave or heat your veggie bacon in a skillet. Crumble then set aside. Slice your cherry tomatoes and mushrooms and mix with the veggie bacon and arugula (or whatever lettuce you have on hand) then sauté with a smidge of coconut oil. Set aside. Rinse out the sauté pan and fill with 1 inch of water and a splash of white vinegar and bring to a boil. While that is boiling go ahead and pop in your pita in the toaster oven. Once the water is boiling carefully crack your egg into the water trying not to break the yolk. Let that boil for 2-3 minutes only. About 2.5 minutes gets you a cooked white but runny yolk and 3 minutes gets you an almost solid yolk. When your pita is just about toasted you can turn off the toaster oven and place the cheese on top of the pita just so it melts to it.

Layer your veggie blend on top of your cheesy pita then, using a slotted spoon, scoop out your egg and place on top. Then sprinkle with red pepper flakes for taste. Delish.

Between breakfast and lunch I get super hungry. So I made this to take with me today.

Strawberry + Banana + Honey Vanilla Smoothie

6 Strawberries without the tops
1 medium Banana chunked
5 Ice Cubes
Spoon of Honey
Spoon of Vanilla Bean Paste
Splash of Almond Milk

Mix all ingredients in blender and blend until there are no ice chunks. Yum-o.

Then when I got home this afternoon I could use a little pick me up to get through some editing.

Mocha Almond Iced Coffee

4 ounces of Cold - Brew Mocha Coffee
4 - 6 ounces of Almond Milk

Stir and enjoy.

That is all for now. I feel like I've left so many starter conversations unaddressed. Oh, well there were just too many words.

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