Since I'm on day 16 of juicing maybe we're ready for a progress note? Short version: I love it and I'm so glad I'm doing it. You can stop there if you really want to, but I'll go into the machine and produce and recipes and flying lemons.
Again, I'm using the 30-day Challenge recipes found from and they are awesome. They start you small with things like carrots, oranges and celery and move you in to scary things like cabbage for the second week and beet root for the third week. I have tried everything just as the recipe states, but maybe adding in an extra apple for sweetness.
I found this awesome list on pinterest to help me narrow down what to buy organic and what I could save on by not purchasing it organic. I realized there is only one thing on the clean 15 that has been used in my recipes so far so for the first week I bought all organic from Target. Well about halfway through that first week I ran out of celery so I went to Sprouts (it's kind of like whole foods) and bought organic celery from there. I never, ever thought I would be the person that could tell the difference in store's produce but holy cow. Sprouts markets themselves as like a permanent farmer's market and try to use local and only in season items. That celery tasted like it had just been plucked out the earth. It was crazy. So for the rest of the challenge I am just buying from Sprouts. About 90% of the things I buy are organic except if they have such a good sale on the non-organic items. I usually spend around $20-$25 for all the recipe items + extra for B.
This was a recipe from this week which introduced beet root. I have never even touch a beet root before and boy they are weird. You cut them open and they are really hard, but really wet inside - and bright fuchsia. Like I think I could dye fabric with it. This particular drink had a lot of variety in it and I couldn't pin point one particular honestly just tastes like the produce department smells.
This was the week they introduced spinach and cabbage. Not my favorite, but it was a pretty purple color. I could really taste the cabbage and this week I used red apples instead of green - never again. My red apples got soft like 3 days in and it effected the taste. Also, when a recipe calls for lemon you can leave the rhine on and you should because it has the most nutrients there. Actually I think I didn't peel anything, I washed off most of the produce (there was dirt everywhere) but I left the skin on everything but oranges.
And this is my fridge currently. Around week three I got my hubby to drink a glass of their "Eye Opener" recipe daily which is just carrots, apples and oranges so I picked up extra of those things for him.
I think that's the Eye Opener on the left and the Can't Beet It on the right. So, so good.
If you've been on instagram or Facebook you've seen me posting the recipes daily. Hopefully you can follow along or if anything just get ideas on what to juice yourself.
In regards to my juicer, I LOVE it. All of the reviews on it were great and I really think it could hold up to daily juicing for a while. It is so easy to clean - I probably just have to add an extra 10 minutes to my morning routine to prepare the produce, juice and clean up. Oh, but today I didn't put my hand over the chute fast enough when I popped a lemon down there and it came flying back out. Haha, first produce mishap so not that bad. Well....except for all the cabbage guts that I just saw on my cabinet.
As per how I feel....the first week I didn't notice anything. I would have my glass first thing in the morning usually with nothing else and then the rest of the day would go as regular. I think in the next week when we started adding in more unique things and especially this week I can tell. I've had to juice later in the day once during the work week and I can definitely notice my energy level is effected if I don't juice first thing in the AM. Also, I am so so so thirsty. Like, I cannot get enough water. I am assuming this is because the produce is helping detox my body naturally and to help get those toxins out my body needs more water. This has been awesome because I have always struggled with getting enough water...I am just not a thirsty person.
I am hoping after the challenge to incorporate recipes that are specific to my health needs (stress reliever, complexion, migraine reducer, more energy, etc) because I am still having small headaches throughout the week. Hopefully that will start to change.